Monday, February 28, 2005

London Arrival

Well before I talk about my arrival I have to talk about my departure. I arrive at the airport with the same luggage on the same ticket and of course there is a problem. I have too much hand luggage. So here I am with my broken arm trying to rearrange luggage. But wait it gets better. Then they say I can't fly because I have plaster on my arm and my arm may swell and cut off circulation. What a load of crap. So they say I have to go to the hospital across town to get it cut off. Well I'm in tears by now so they suggest I go to the airport ambulance officers as they may do it for me. So I head there and of course they say - you can't have your plaster cut off you have a broken arm. I say I realise this but I need to catch my flight and I don't have time to change it. So the ambulance guy can't understand why they wont let me fly - so he goes down and sorts them out - well they treat me like gold after that - bastards. So I arrive in London catch the National Express bus to Victoria and there I am in the bus driveway trying to move all my luggage - and I had a lot. Of course the only person to help me is some guy to put my backpack on. Well lucky for me someone is handing out flyers for a hostel with a shuttle service from the bus station - yep that's me!!!!! So I get taken to this great hostel where no one speaks english - yes in London - and they all chainsmoke and party in the room til 4am - Fantastic!!!!!!!! Just loved it - Not Well at this point I was very ready to come home. In pain, tired and no money or job - and I had to cancel my 2weeks in Austria snowboarding - so all was just fantastic. But I pulled my socks up and went to my agency on the Monday (after changing hostels) and got myself a phone interview and planned to head to Newcastle - wherever that is!!!!! Well my last night in London it snowed and this was the view from my room window.


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